Wendy Ord

WIDC represents at 2024 Leo Awards

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Vancouver, BC – Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) organizers are delighted to uplift the tremendous showing of WIDC alumni, including WIDC co-creator and producer, Dr. Carol Whiteman, at the 2024 Leo Awards, presented by the Motion Picture Arts & Sciences Foundation of British Columbia, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to celebrate and promote the achievements [...]

WIDC alumnae rack up 37 nominations: Leo Awards 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 20, 2020, Vancouver, BC - An announcement made by the Leo Awards this week, confirms that Women In the Director's Chair (WIDC) alumnae and their projects have garnered a whopping thirty-seven nominations, including six for Best Direction and eight for Best Program. Leading the pack with ten nominations, Karen Lam's latest feature film, The Curse [...]

Wendy Ord wins 2011 WIDC Banff Fellowship

Vancouver, Canada (June 2011) – Creative Women Workshops Association (CWWA) is pleased to announce the winner of the 2011 Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) Banff World Media Festival (BANFF) Fellowship. Made possible through a long-standing partnership, the fellowship is designed to provide one WIDC alumna the opportunity to network and advance her projects at BANFF. Award-winning filmmaker Wendy Ord [...]

By |2016-11-15T00:08:39-08:00June 10th, 2011|Categories: BANFF Fellowship, Media Release|Tags: , , |
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