Marina Cordoni

Meet the Four Directors selected for WIDC Career Advancement Module at FeFF 2018

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - June 25, 2018: Organizers of the Women In the Director’s Chair program are pleased to announce the four directors selected to take part in the WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM) at the Female Eye Film Festival, June 25 to July 1, 2018. Aiming to generate career momentum while they develop pitch materials for their next [...]

WIDC Announces Career Advancement Module Vancouver Director Participants: Supported with the participation of TELUS Optik Local

WIDC Announces Career Advancement Module Vancouver Director Participants: Supported with the participation of TELUS Optik Local FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - February 2017: Four western-based women directors have been selected to partake in the next edition of the WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM) slated to take place March 7 to 12, 2017 during the Vancouver International Women In Film Festival. Aiming [...]

Five BC-based filmmakers selected for WIDC career advancement during Vancouver International Women In Film Festival

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - On March 7, 2016 five BC-based female filmmakers will have a jump start to the 11th annual Vancouver International Women In Film Festival (March 8 to 13, 2016) as they begin the Women In the Director's Chair Career Advancement Module (WIDC CAM) at the Sandman Hotel and Suites on Davie.  These directors are offered the rare [...]

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