Made possible through the CTVglobemedia-CHUM tangible benefits and presented at three celebrated women’s film festivals across Canada, the CAM offered 12 pre-selected women filmmakers a one-day intensive with industry executives, including a public panel discussion open to host festival delegates, private round table with industry experts, followed by coaching towards the advancement of the
participants’ career goals.
Host Festivals:
Female Eye Film Festival, Toronto, March 2009
Vancouver Women In Film Festival, June 2009
St John’s International Women’s Film Festival, October 2009

Mentors & Guests: Producers, Lesley Grant, Lael McCall; Telefilm Canada, Gordon Whittaker, John Dippong, Anne Frank; E-One, Rachel Fulford; CTVglobemedia, Virginia Rankin, Trish Williams. Facilitated by WIDC Producer, Carol Whiteman.