Pamela Gallant is the award-winning director of the half-hour drama La voisine (Atlantic Film Festival) and the documentary Port-au-Port (Les Rendez-vous du cinéma québécois). She has directed, shot or edited more than seventy mid-length to feature-length documentaries filmed and broadcast throughout North America and Europe for a host of different broadcasters, and directed several Canadian-festival screened award-winning short fictions. Most recently she directed four episodes of the Radio-Canada series Courants, edited the series Les Îles which was nominated for a Prix Gémeaux in 2017, and produced and directed the short fiction Home Care with acclaimed Acadian actress Viola Léger.
Born and raised in rural Prince Edward Island, Pamela left in 1982 to study filmmaking at the Cegep de St-Jérôme and York University, followed by a three-month feature-film directing internship in Paris, France. She returned briefly to Prince Edward Island in 1986 to direct her first independent short, Au Rhythm du courant, later winning the Award of Merit in Direction from the Atlantic Film Festival for her film. With Au Rhythm du courant, Pamela became the first Island woman to direct a film. Pamela’s talent lies in filming strong character-driven stories no matter the format. Her experience in documentary informs her work in fiction, and her work in fiction informs her work in documentary. Both forms are complete creations with the protagonist at the heart of each story. With Monica’s News, Pamela circles back to her roots to tell a unique rural story with strong female characters, bringing with her three decades of filmmaking experience. In 2019 she won the WIDC Feature Film Award for Monica’s News.
WIDC Award Winner
“I am truly grateful for this award. You have given me a golden key and I am all the more moved that this award stems from an organization that has worked tirelessly to champion women’s voices and creative stories.”