Career Advancement

WIDC Announces Eight Directors Selected for Career Advancement Module Spring / Summer 2025 Edition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - March 2025:   Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) is delighted to announce the eight women directors chosen by a peer jury for their Spring/Summer 2025 Career Advancement Module (WIDC CAM). Included in this impressive cohort are creators from BC, Ontario, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. Meet the Directors: (listed in alphabetical order by first name) Alexa [...]

Directors Announced: WIDC CAM Fall 2024 / Winter 2025

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 15, 2024: Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) organizers are pleased to announce the eight women and non-binary directors selected to take part in this session of the WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM), presented in collaboration with the St John’s International Women’s Film Festival celebrating its 35thAnniversary (October 22 to 26, 2024) and the [...]

Directors Announced for WIDC Career Advancement Module Fall 2023

Pictured (L-R): Martina Monro, Teresa Alfeld, Kathleen Cummins, Rosie Choo Pidcock 2nd Row: Shonna Foster, Michelle D’Alessandro Hatt, Eva Tavares, Émilie Martel FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 2023: Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) organisers are pleased to announce the eight women and non-binary directors selected to take part in this session of the WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM), presented [...]

Directors Announced for WIDC Career Advancement Module Fall 2022

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 2022: Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) organizers are pleased to announce the eight women and non-binary directors selected to take part in this session of the WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM). The Fall 2022 edition of the CAM partners with Canada’s Reelworld Film Festival and the St John’s International Women’s Film Festival. Workshop sessions run through the [...]

Women In the Director’s Chair Selects Nine Women and Non-binary Directors For Spring Edition of Career Advancement Module

Pictured: Top: Lisa Robertson, Marielle Quesney, Katelyn McCulloch, Gianna Isabella, Rolla Tahir Bottom: Mily Mumford, Frieda Luk, Anna Wheeler, Gia Milani FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 2022: Women In the Director’s Chair organizers are pleased to announce the nine women and non-binary directors selected to take part in the upcoming edition of the WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM). Celebrating its [...]

Eight directors selected for WIDC’s Career Advancement Module Fall 2021 Edition: collaborating with Reelworld Film Festival and St John’s International Women’s Film Festival

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – October 4, 2021: Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) organizers are pleased to announce the eight women directors selected to take part in the 25th Anniversary session of the WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM). The Fall 2021 edition of the CAM marks a first-ever combined collaboration with Canada’s Reelworld Film Festival and the St John’s [...]

Eight directors selected for WIDC’s Career Advancement Module: collaborating with Vancouver International Women in Film Festival and Female Eye Film Festival

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – March 2021: Women In the Director’s Chair organizers are pleased to announce the eight women directors selected to take part in the latest WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM). This edition of the CAM marks a first-ever combined collaboration with two of Canada's international women's film festivals, the Vancouver International Women in Film Festival and the Female [...]

WIDC announces directors selected for first online edition: CAM St John’s

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 2020: Women In the Director's Chair organizers are pleased to announce the four women directors selected to take part in the WIDC Career Advancement Module (CAM) taking place in collaboration with the St John's International Women's Film Festival. This augmented online edition runs workshop sessions October 13 to 24, 2020 with follow up career [...]

WIDC Selects Six Directors for Career Advancement in Vancouver

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Updated March 4, 2020 – Vancouver, BC – Organizers of Canada's Women In the Director's Chair (WIDC) program are pleased to announce six directors have been selected to take part in the 2020 Vancouver Career Advancement Module presented during the 15th annual Vancouver International Women In Film Festival (VIWIFF), March 3 to 8, 2020. Developing original [...]

Announcing 2019 WIDC CAM Toronto Directors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November, 2019 - Toronto, ON - Organizers of Canada's Women In the Director's Chair (WIDC) program are pleased to announce the four directors selected to take part in the 2019 Toronto Career Advancement Module presented during the 17th annual Female Eye Film Festival, November 7 to 10, 2019 at the Scotiabank Cinema and Hyatt Hotel downtown. [...]

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