
Michele taught high school in Orillia Ontario for 10 years, before moving to Alberta where she worked in educational television as a program developer. After ten years at ACCESS Network, she moved to the private sector as a director and producer at VICOM Media Productions. Michele was awarded “Best Dramatic Director”​ by the Alberta Motion Picture Industries Association for her work on a “tween” television drama in the series Mentors for Minds Eye Pictures.

After 25 years in the production business, Michele moved to Stratford Ontario where she served as Executive Director of the Kiwanis Festival of the Performing Arts for 10 seasons. She currently serves as board chair for Off the Wall — an alliance of artists from the Stratford Festival who teach summer courses and fall workshops in backstage production. Administering Off the Wall is a labour of love for Michele.

Michele also project managed the World Festival of Children’s Theatre — an international event held in North America for the first time — in Stratford ON, June 5 to 14, 2016. We welcomed children’s theatre troupes from 6 continents, who shared their stories and culture with Canadian audiences. (source: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/michele-boniface-5b410b100)