
Jessica Bradford is an award-winning writer and director based in Vancouver, Canada. She is a graduate of Canadian Film Centre and alumna of the Women In the Director’s Chair Banff program. Jessica’s films have won numerous awards including a Gemini, several B.C. Leo Awards and WIFTV’s Kodak Image Award for Excellence in Visual Storytelling. Her films have been invited to festivals around the world and have screened on CBC and Showcase, Canada. Jessica has spent over 15 years in the industry as a writer, director and producer. Her award-winning films include: When I Was Seven, The Telescope, Winter Sun and The Restlessness of Water. Jessica also teaches in the Writing Department of the Vancouver Film School and is a Program Associate for the Reel 2 Real International Film Festival for Youth. She is past-president of Cineworks Independent Filmmakers Society.

Jessica grew up in Cambridge, England, which resulted in a love for choral music, riding bicycles and drinking beer – but not necessarily in that order, though possibly all at the same time. She is currently in post-production on her latest short film, She Wishes For the Cloths of Heaven. Jessica is pursuing her MFA in Creative Writing at UBC.

WIDC Award Winner

Thank you so much, this has been an invaluable and transformative experience. It has given me the courage, confidence and knowledge to move forward as a writer and director in this challenging industry.

— Director, WIDC CAM - Vancouver, 2017